The Brawler agrees with this part of Mark Green's press release announcing his budget (bold marks the agreement):
"Every month, families across Wisconsin sit down at their kitchen tables to figure out how to make ends meet. They know that it is wrong to take out a second mortgage on their home or spend the kid's college money to go on a lavish vacation," said Green. "Unfortunately, Jim Doyle doesn't understand that. In addition to his budget tricks and gimmicks, he used his veto pen to increase spending. Jim Doyle is literally mortgaging the future of our state to pay for his spending increases of today"
The Brawler believes that Mr. Green should prove his depth of concern by pushing for an increase in the minimum wage -- an increase that isn't contingent on piling on to the already ruinous deficits he's already bequeathed to the kids of these families who sit around their kitchen tables.
Xoff and Miz Carrie Lynch heap richly deserved abuse upon Green's "plan."