What's up with Patrick McIlheran's lesbian obsession?
Months ago he got all bent out of shape about Jennifer Morales coming out of the closet. In a post titled "We didn't know that," McIlheran wrote:
Just in time for Pridefest, Milwaukee school board member Jennifer Morales wants to tell us she's a lesbian.
Whatever. I don’t recall Emily Post’s guidelines on what to say to this. You can’t congratulate her, since it’s a state of being, so it’s not like she chose it.
He concluded:
I know the act of "coming out" is a big thing if you feel your sexual preference is the defining characteristic of your life and you’ve kept it a secret. But if it’s therapeutic to tell someone, surely therapy could be achieved by involving family and a circle of friends, by some step short of bringing all Milwaukee, whether they wish it or not, into a confidence.
What a guy. Thing is, not once, but twice in the past week McIlheran's raised the topic.
Then in Sunday's column he dropped a lameass joke aimed at Bryan Kennedy, fighting the good fight against fat ass Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Kotex):
You realize that Kennedy, a Democrat, is a very nice man, thoughtful, modest of habit and temperament - and a political liberal.
Not that there's anything wrong with that. Where would the Shorewood Womyn's Hiking Collective be without liberals?
Is there a Shorewood Womyn's Hiking Collective? It doesn't pop up on Google. But the Brawler contends that any time a conservative columnist used the word "Womyn" he means "lesbian." Certainly his readers take it that way.
And then on Monday, praising pro-marriage amendment ads in which children are befuddled by an "Anna and Eve" couple, Paddy Mack notes:
Why did it take until now, however, when amendment foes have been putting sympathetic lesbian couples and confusing ads about voting NO on gay marriage for months?
As Paddy Putzmeister Mack certainly remembers from his two years as a reporter, three makes a trend. And this trend is that Paddy Mack is obsessed with lesbians. Or maybe he's trying to draw more hits to his blog. Or maybe he got the memo that porn star Mary Carey, who's expressed salacious thoughts about the Bush daughters, is a Republican supporter.
As for the ads he praises, they're repulsive. Jesus, even Charlie Sykes has problems with them. Instead of worrying about how kids will make sense of same-sex couples, maybe Paddy should spend more time worrying about how they'll grow up without a parent who died in Iraq. The Brawler suggests that might be a source of more lasting real damage.
Maybe this a cry from Paddy for us all to chip in and buy him a copy of Lynne Cheney's book "Sisters."
Posted by: kr | November 01, 2006 at 07:22 AM
I know Jennifer Morales. Ms. Morales is a neighbor of mine. Her son is a friend of my son's. Mr. McIlheran is certainly no Jennifer Morales (heh)
McIlheran can only pretend to have had the positive impact on the community that Ms. Morales has had.
What a tool.
Posted by: TC | November 01, 2006 at 11:02 AM
McIlheran probably picks on lesbians because if he picked on the guys, he's afraid he'd get beaten up.
Posted by: Tim | November 01, 2006 at 11:31 AM
By the way, folks...Bryan Kennedy has admitted (to the FEC) using the UWMs tax-payer supported resouces to support his own private campaign (see the FEC enforcement page!)...yet no charges...hmm, sober up Peggy!
Posted by: Wake Up | November 06, 2006 at 12:05 PM