Weighing in on the Steve Kagen affair, whiny ass titty baby Mark Graul -- who failed to win Wisconsin for George Bush as well as Mark Green -- calls the new congressman for the 8th an "asshole":
Kagen can’t seem to decide if he wants people to think he’s really that big of an asshole, or he’s just a regular ol’ liar. Based on this episode, I chose all of the above.
I suppose this is what Repubs call "civility." Class act, that Mark Graul. You'd almost forget he was a dissembling loser.(How's your new client, that nonpartisan Ziegler, doing, by the by?)
Free advice to Steve Kagen: Presumably you did not spend millions of your own money to be a one-term congressman. So it might be in your own best interest to think about what you say before you say it. If you do, you could stay in office for some time. Trust the Brawler! The Repubs squandered a lot of dough trying to elect John Gard. Their resources are more likely to be more stretched in 08 than in 06 as they have a raft of Senate seats coming up...plus that whole presidential thing. If they think it'll take a lot to oust you, they may take a pass. But if you keep talking out of your "posterior," well...
That said, The Brawler is much happier that you're in Washington than John Gard -- or Graul's old boss.