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April 11, 2007



Cynthia's story is consistant with similar stories all across the country. The Republicans assert they are trying to keep elections honest, but that is "Republican-speak" for keeping the turnout low in traditionally Democratic areas. With the low success of prosecutions among alleged voter-fraud cases it is becoming apparent that the Republicans have a nationwide practice of harassing voters in Democratic areas to keep them from voting. African-Americans and poor people generally vote Democratic in large numbers, so the Republican efforts are aimed at African-American neighborhoods and other poor neighborhoods. This dishonesty among Republicans is obvious, on all levels of government from the precinct all the way up to the US Atrorney's office, yet it continues.
The bottom line is that Cynthia will probably not vote again, nor will people who know her. The Republicans have succeeded in disenfranchising a couple more voters, who if their socio-economic situation is a clue, tend to vote Democratic.

Why do we allow it?

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