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October 11, 2007


Iam Laughing

Guy like that is probably used to having "his people" work the phones. Or, maybe he found the "9" key, but couldn't find the "11" on his phone. I know, it's an old joke.


And here's a thought: count the empty cans.

But mebbe you missed that J. Jazz said he did it to get the guy's DNA. If so, test results oughta be in by now, huh?

Iam Laughing

Two things about this situation that don't add up in my mind:

#1: When Channel 4 interviewed the wife & she had her little meltdown, the interview was conducted on her outside steps. I would have thought that the news crew would have wanted to do some kind of "reenactment" - you know, going from the foyer to the kitchen, etc.

#2: If they had called 911 right away, wouldn't the police have wanted to go right into the home to investigate?

So, maybe there are 30-40 cats in the house or something? Just wondering, many years ago I was in a job that required going into the homes of "at-risk" elderly, and sometimes we were not allowed access because of cats, excess clutter, or substandard housing issues.

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