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October 10, 2007



I was thinking last night about how those on the right are so angered that the Democrats used a family here that they wouldn't deem "needy." I think it's true that the Frost's don't represent those who need CHIP the most, just because they do have assets and actually make money. However, could you imagine if the Dems trotted out some poor kid from inner-city Milwaukee whose parents don't have jobs? They would be ripped apart for exploiting that family, too.

The point of using the Frost's, I think, was that a lot of people need this program to deal with catastrophes, even those in the lower middle-class -- families you might consider very close to yours.

That's what the Repubs must be pissed about: The 75 percent of Americans who agree with them on CHIP.


So if a kid stood up in public and spoke FOR Bush's action, the kid would be attacked by Malkin, McBride, etc., for getting into the political kitchen?

We think not. Their defense is utter nonsense. So the only thing left is that they are cruel -- as well as illogical.

Now, about all those kids who stood up on political stages with a certain AG candidate. . . .

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