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March 26, 2008


Daniel Cody

The Indy comment caught my eye too and I had a good laugh at that.

Because I know that when I think, prosperous, booming, world class cities, I think Indianapolis Indiana.

Alice Chambers

Indy is a good model for Milwaukee to emulate. They instituted unigov and got rid of county government.

I would be careful if I was Walker throwing Indy around as a model. The mayor there is the equivalent of the county exec here. Despite these impressive stats, the two term mayor who everyone thought was unbeatable just lost to an underfunded challenger that no one gave a chance to win.

Phil Border

Walker also neglects to mention Indianpolis is thriving dur to a METROPOLITAN GOVERNMENT, consolidating municipalities into streamlined efficiecy. And the end of the, the Repubs cling to their turf as much as the Democrats, to the detriment of all taxpayers.

Ref. http://www.questia.com/googleScholar.qst;jsessionid=HqGC1ZlQGgpY3TS0GrL1hp48NB16p2xmPh4VzJBvvhcxJ2JT4zM2!1868036540?docId=5000361213

Just cause Walekr's bad, doesn't make Taylor good

BTW, whatever happened to WIFI Milwaukee. Or will we be behind Bugtussel for that too?

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