Brian Fraley is always good for a laugh.
Take, for instance, this post, which earned the distinction of being the sole piece in the rightwing velveetasphere to offer unqualified, full-throated support for Mike Gableman's transparently false attack on Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Louis Butler.
Illusory Tenant and others have already had a good larf about this schlock. The Brawler would just like to highlight this sentence:
Fact is, folks, Louis Butler WAS, by choice, a public defender for many years and it looks like he did help a few scumbags get off.
Fraley's contempt for public defenders is partitcularly amusing, given that he once employed the services of a public defender.
Ok, fine, Fraley didn't technically have a state provided attorney.
But please recall when Fraley was under investigation during the caucus scandal he retained that talents of an attorney, for more than $2,000, and stuck Wisconsin tax payers with the bill.
From the 3/14/2002 Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
Besides Esser, three Senate GOP caucus staffers billed taxpayers for legal fees: former director Brian Fraley, $2,128; John Schulze, $2,720; and Gina Ward, $2,940. Investigators sought documents from Fraley, but attorney invoices for the three provide no other details regarding services rendered.
In short, his defender was subsidized by the public. And Fraley did this while pulling down in excess of $69 grand. Which, come to think of it, also came courtesy of the taxpayers.
Maybe Fraley's next piece can discern the difference between "scumbag" and "dedicated public servant in the Senate GOP caucus staff."
Posted by: John Foust | March 19, 2008 at 06:27 AM
I hope someday Fraley gets in real trouble. Maybe then his attorney (PD or not) will say to him, "Well, I could help you, but then I'd be helping another scumbag get off, wouldn't I?"
The man's buffoonery knows no bounds, it would seem.
Posted by: Sam | March 19, 2008 at 06:45 AM