Some may call people who make more than $250 K to be "wealthy."
Charlie Sykes considers them to be "the most productive members of society."
Really? How do you qualify "most productive"? The Brawler knows some people who will see their taxes go up under an Obama Administration. Some are "productive." Others not so much. Isn't this a somewhat elitist argument?
There is a massive, massive disconnect between how the supply side cabal that shapes GOP economic policy feels about taxes and how most of the public feels about taxes. As Jonathan Chait points out in The Big Con, the vast majority of Americans at the beginning of the GWB presidency wanted the surplus to be used to fix Social Security or Medicare or pay down the debt -- not be used for tax cuts.
So most people could care less if the rich are going to get hit with more taxes. (The Brawler is willing to bet that most Americans would accept a modest tax increase if it meant a more secure health care system. After all, Reagan was reelected in 1984 after raising taxes on Joe the actual licensed plumber to bolster Social Security.)
So now Sykes et al are trying to drum up fears that if the tax rate for the wealthy is brought back to Clinton-era levels, the "job creators" in the land will simply take their businesses and go home. And that'll hurt you! Please. (Wouldn't the Economics 101 models that rightwingers are so fond of suggest that if shortsighted actor A refuses to expand, or contracts, his business he'll suddenly find himself boxed in by a competitor or competitors willing to take more risk?")
This "most productive members of society" line appears to be quite a meme already among rightwingers (you didn't think Charlie dreamed it up, did you?). The Brawler hopes Republicans start blasting this line far and wide. Bestowing moral superiority to the wealthiest among us seems a perfect way to exile the Republicans to a helpless minority for decades.
Meanwhile, if anyone can spot John Galt in this crowd, please let me know.
Those are Charlie Sykes's people in the video. Couldn't you see them all at a salon at his house?
Posted by: xoff | October 27, 2008 at 08:14 AM