Paul Ryan, who happily piled on to the deficit under President Bush, released the House GOP budget today and, befitting the holiday, it was comic gold.
A radical plan to blow up Medicare. A spending freeze to subsidize tax cuts for the rich.Budgeting gimmickry. Budget scoring that shows the GOP plan will cost way less than the Obama plan looking out to 2080 (that's a pretty long time horizon). As Matthew Yglesias notes, "if you give increasing numbers of old people less-and-less money over time you can keep spending flat even as grandpa’s illness go untreated." Sadly, the plan didn't include Ryan's oft-discussed plans to privatize Social Security (with Uncle Sam picking up the tab if payouts for private accounts didn't meet a minimum threshold and boosting the retirement age to 70). There's always another year for a joke budget.
Meanwhile, Charlie announced today he'll have Ryan on to shill the bill tomorrow. Good times.
Based on a discussion at Sadly No, I have started a one man campaign to nickname Mr. Ryan "Whistle Ass"
Paul Whistle Ass Ryan. It rolls, yanno?
Posted by: zombie rotten mcdonald | April 02, 2009 at 08:36 AM