Rove is not a genius, or even very clever: He's totally and completely immoral. It doesn't take genius to claim, as Rove ludicrously did last fall, that it was the Democrats in Congress and not George W. Bush who pushed the Iraq War resolution in 2002. It doesn't take brains to compare a triple-amputee war veteran to Osama bin Laden; you just have to be a mean, rotten cocksucker.
--Matt Taibbi, "The Return of Rove"
Indeed, Karl Rove is not a genius, as is borne out in his depositions. Milwaukee, and the allegations of voter fraud, fill up a considerable number of pages. One aspect that caught the Brawler's eye was Rove's concern about voter fraud at Marquette University in 2000 (p 256):
[Biskupic] was the one who in the aftermath of 2000 or 2004, you know, prodded -- prodded the State and local officials into doing something about the Marquette students who openly boasted of having voted multiple times ...
Thing is, those claims were pretty solidly debunked in 2000 and Rove is repeating them 9 years later:
A story appeared in the Marquette University student paper that 174 of 1,000 students surveyed said they voted more than once in the November 2000 presidential election. Another 170 claimed to have voted for write-in candidates, but the official canvass of the voting precincts surrounding the Marquette campus recorded only 12 write-in votes for president. One student told ABCNews, the and the Marquette student paper that he voted four times. He later recanted when a list of voters from his precinct did not include his name at all. The Milwaukee County District Attorney said he had no evidence of any student voting more than once. The student who told the media he voted four times was later charged with selling other students fake Ohio drivers licenses he printed using his dorm room computer.23
One marvels at the winger mindset that can claim, contrary to all evidence, that there is massive voter fraud (let alone massive coordinated voter fraud) taking place in Milwaukee. The Brawler recalls that when Biskupic resigned, Sykes conspicuously abstained from mentioning that Bisk failed to find any evidence of a voter fraud conspiracy. The rogue MPD report broke little ground (although it did reveal the extent to which the RPW's list of 5,619 shadow voters was bogus). Reince Priebus griping he's tired of losing elections because of voter fraud. Patrick McIlheran decries vote fraud denialists as if there is evidence voter fraud is taking place -- and he still has a job while people with far more reporting skills are on the street. Do they know they're lying or are they just wrapped up in their paranoid fantasies?
Documents Point to Bush Aides' Involvement in Prosecutor Firings.