WOW! Did Dan Bice of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel have a scoop today! Check this out: The Obama Administration wants Barrett to run for governor!
Here's the story:
Tom Barret got a phone call from the president after making national news. Should he expect another call, this time to throw his hat in the ring for governor?
Whoops! That (erroneous spelling and all) was of course from a a Brawler post dated, lessee... September 5, 2009.
So it only took Dan "Bloodhound" Bice a mere month and 21 days to sniff out a story that the Brawler, by managing to put two and two together, figured out without any, you know, sources. Just the power of thinking things through.
Let's see what else the Brawler had to say back then, when the situation was much more fluid because of Ron Kind's flirtation with running:
Given that early Obama supporter Doyle and his team aren't particularly high on Barb "Vote Hillary" Lawton ....and that while Pelosi had apparently given Kind her blessing to run (and Kind's been making the rounds among muckity mucks to gauge support), the D's can't want to lose a seat they don't have to in 2010 ... perhaps he will. I'd imagine Tom could get Team Doyle support (noting how they're teaming up on taking over MPS ... a move that wouldn't play at all badly with out-of-Milwaukee voters).
It is indeed difficult to imagine a Dem from Milwaukee winning the governor's seat. But given the rise of in Dem identification in Wisconsin, maybe it's not as outre a concept as it seems.
And if it's Barrett vs. Walker, how many out-state voters stay home? Or does JB Van Hollen see his chance?
Shoot! What will those pajama clad bloggers think of next? (Though, indeed, it remains to be seen whether VH throws his hat in the ring.)
Of course, long time Brawler reader knows that the Brawler has a penchant for reporting Bice's news in advance.
For instance, The Brawler was able to determine thatChief Flynn was not happy about the musty cop "voter fraud" report being pushed without his OK (a report, that btw, pointed out a lot of RPW claims of voter fraud in 2004 were entire crap, a fact that would be apparent to voter fraud true believer Patrick McIlheran if he read such report.) And then Bice did the same!
And most famously, the Brawler figured out that RPW honcho Rick Wiley pimped "voter fraud" conspiracies to Karl Rove almost a month before Bice managed to piece it together.
No quarter, indeed.