Obviously the Brawler is not in a position to know the backroom wheeling and dealing that went down between Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, but suffice it to say he believes fully reports that Emanuel pressed Reid to say dealski whatever Joe Lieberman (Asshole-CT) wants.
Why? Because Rahm Emanuel don't believe in quixotic quests for the impossible -- which in this milieu means a decent health care bill.
Consider this quote from John R. MacArthur's excellent "The Selling of 'Free Trade'":
Oh yeah, he [Clinton on NAFTA] had to win. It's better to win than to lose. I'm a big believer in that. I do not believe in moral victories. They're not worth it.
-- RAHM EMANUEL on Clinton's final drive to pass NAFTA
Is Emanuel right? Don't know. But I don't know that he's wrong.
And by "Emanuel," obviously I mean Obama as the cossack works for the Czar.