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January 07, 2010


Rick Esenberg

I don't know why you would regard my noting an argument that was being made at the time and saying that it wouldn't carry much weight is a puerile attack. Nor do I understand why it is a flip flop to say now that I am not impressed by an argument that I said then would not carry much weight. As to what was cut out of my remarks, you can find it here.

Really, I think you're trying too hard.

John Foust

Standard Contradictory Disclaimer™.

Mike Plaisted

As usual, Esenberg validates wing-nut arguments he pretends to be unenthused about. He did the same thing when Gableman put out his racist ad. "Well, I wish he hdan't done that," he said at the time, while denying its racist intent and being entirely pleased with the result.

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