Patrick McIlheran flacks a piece of Paul Ryan fluffery by Freddie Barnes. Barnes, incredibly, sees the Road Map to deficits as far as the eye can see (and which drives lower- and middle-income Americans into a ditch) as a winner.
If Republicans adopt the Road Map as their basic ideological blueprint, it offers them the prospect of a landslide in the midterm election this year, followed by victory in the presidential election in 2012.
This despite the fact Republicans aren't champing at the bit to join Ryan's crusade.
Nick Schweitzer, in comments, sets McIlheran straight on Ryan's lack of credibility as a fiscal messiah:
That's right... Rep. Yes!
He voted YES to the Auto Bailout!
He voted YES to TARP!
He voted YES to Medicare Part D!
He voted YES to create the very problem he now wants to "solve". Paul
Ryan only believes in Small Government when he is writing op ed's for
newspapers. He believes in Big Government when he votes in Washington,
which is the only time that counts.
Say NO to Rep. Yes!