This morning Charlie Sykes joined the rightwing smear effort against Shirley Sherrod. He did it relatively late in his show, at a point when there were questions about the veracity of the video in question. Didn't let that stop him. Now that the full video is out, and it's unequivocally clear that Sherrod was telling a story of overcoming racial prejudice.
Charlie feels that the mainstream media owes Sarah Palin an apology for reporting on remarks made by her once and current future son in law, remarks he has recanted. So clearly Sykes should feel the need to apologize for reporting on a video fragment pushed by an outfit with a record of misleading the public.
Or is he going to double down?
Our local conversationalist James T. Harris says on Fox News on July 21, "I don't know any way to look at it, Brian. Before Fox News even had a chance to report on it, they asked Ms. Sherrod to pull over on the side of the road."
Then MediaMatters shows otherwise.
Posted by: John Foust | July 22, 2010 at 08:59 AM
Asking for truth from a rightwingnut pundit is like shining a light on a cockroach...makes them run for cover!!
Posted by: WiscActor | July 22, 2010 at 09:38 PM