Interesting. Back on May 17, Supreme Court of Wisconsin Justice Patience Roggensack spoke to the not-very-non-partisan-sounding Suburban Republican Women Club along with soon-to-be-failed Senatorial candidate Jeff Fitzgerald. The topic: "Elect Them or Appoint Them and the Race for the Senate." Roggensack "discussed the history and reasons behind electing judicial representatives versus appointing them."
All very well and fine, thought it's worth noting that in October SRWC hosted Dan Hunt from True the Vote:
Dan Hunt is on the front lines protecting the integrity of our electoral process -- believed to be limited for a variety of reasons, including: A lack of citizen awareness, involvement, and adequate training.
True the Vote was notorious for its voter fraud conspiracy theories, misleading poll watching training materials, and dirty tricks. Not surprisingly, SRWC was one of the groups encouraging people to be poll watchers and is affiliated with the voter fraud paranoiacs We're Watching Wisconsin Elections.
So ... what does Roggensack, who may cast a deciding vote on Voter ID, think of the paranoiac ravings of the group she spoke to?