"0ne of those pathetic bloggers who tries to make a living out of attacking other bloggers and media folk in an effort to illicit a reaction and draw traffic to his site." -- Owen Robinson of Boots and Sabers
However, Scott Walker knew before he took office that he would be facing hard times and knew he would have to mount a propaganda campaign to fight it. How do we know? Via this video of Rebecca Kleefisch being interviewed by a bunch of wing nuts (starting at 1:38).
Now, I am unaware of any of the "Good News Wisconsin" video vignettes that Rebecca Kleefisch is talking about here but the telling of the Kaukauna miracle certainly fits in that mold. And one suspects that Scott Walker will spend the millions he'll raise before the recall to push propaganda not unlike what Rebecca Kleefisch is talking about.
Accepting the RPW nomination for Lt. guv, Rebecca Kleefisch said her awesome experience as a TV reporter, talk show panelist, and tea party speaker prepared her to stand up to scrutiny. Starting around 3:40 she says: "I know how to answer the gotcha questions of journalists. I may have even asked one or two in my life -- but only of the liberals!"
UW-Madison's journalism program must be so proud. This, coupled with her admission that her go-to sources were Scott Walker and Alberta Darling, confirms the lie-bural bias of the media.
Added bonus: Around 3:09 she makes it sound as if she was the one who broke the Milwaukee pension scandal story. Take that, Bruce Murphy!
But her opening remarks to the same teabag group suggest otherwise. She complimented them for praying to start the meeting (to appreciative coo's) and emphasized the importance of Christ-centered leadership. Suggests to me a strict constructionist interpretation of her remarks is appropriate. It is of course her right to hold that position, but having a religious test for office strikes the Brawler as a rather extreme position.
Reported Daniel Bice: "But Kleefisch, who is married to state Rep. Joel Kleefisch, said she was not being so crass as to leverage her private faith to win a public office. That would be wrong."
Maybe not so much. The relevant portion starts around :23.
GIven that, you'd think she'd be down with the no religious test clause given it's in the Constitution and all.
But apparently not. For, as she told this teabagger group, her first criteria for a gubernatorial candidate (this was before the GOP primary) was his religion.
"My qualifications for governor are a Christian man ..." (:26) (Sorry, Russ and Herb ... you could become Repubs and still not get her vote!)
Rebecca Kleefisch aka Rebecca Surreal was fond of declaring she's not a squishy conservative -- she's 100% pro-life. In other words, she's a Sharon Angle "take lemons and make lemonade" kinda pro-lifer.
It's an increasingly common position within the GOP. But it's an extreme position nationally and certainly an extreme position in Wisconsin.
It's stunning that an extremist like Rebecca Kleefisch is a serious contender for a statewide position (yes, even one as relatively powerless as lieutenant governor).